Monday, May 28, 2018

Bowfishing in the Everglades: What to Pack for Your Adventure

Visiting the Everglades is unlike many other vacations, so you might wonder exactly what to pack to be prepared for this unusual adventure. Taking an airboat tour in Fort Lauderdale is unlike a vacation where you relax by the pool, and having certain items on hand will help you be prepared.

Pack Items to Protect Yourself Against the Sun

No matter what time of year you visit South Florida, the sun is likely to be beaming. Out on the water, where the sunlight can reflect on you, you’re twice as likely to get burnt. To stay protected, pack sunscreen with a high SPF factor and continue to re-apply it throughout the day.

You may also want to bring a wide brimmed hat to protect your face and sunglasses to shield your eyes from the glare. Another option is to pack long sleeved shirts and full-length pants to protect more of your skin. Packing these items will especially come in handy if you get too much sun on the first day of your vacation and need to protect your skin against sun exposure on the remaining days of your vacation.

Pack for Rainy Days

The tropical climate in the Everglades means that rain is likely to be in the forecast. When rain does hit, you may be out in the middle of the water and unable to turn back. Prepare by bring a small umbrella or invest in a waterproof wide brimmed hat that can serve double duty and protect you from both sun and rain.

Stop the Bugs from Attacking

In the summer months, the insect population in the Everglades and the surrounding area can spike, thanks to the high presence of water and swampland. This is a perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes and other insects, so make sure you bring plenty of bug spray to protect yourself.

Taking an airboat tour Fort Lauderdale is a great way to make memories and see unique sights.

If you’re ready to have a once in a lifetime vacation experience, contact Captain Bill, owner of the Cypress, to schedule a bow fishing trip in the Everglades - 954-260-1096.

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